Sunday, October 7, 2012

1st post

So yeah, i'm back again... back to writing... no, not a book. Just a blog.

terakhir gue nulis blog itu kayaknya waktu gue masih SMA, iya masih labil jadi masih hobby curcol.
which is actually good for me bcos i had a media to share whatever i want to share. nulis diary? males dong pegel. (emg ngetik ga pegel?) ada suatu hal pada term 'mengetik' yang asik buat gue, jadi ya... bisa dibilang ga pernah bosen ngetik hehe.

sekarang Nazsia udah 18 tahun. udah remaja tingkat di ujung masa labil. (iyakah?) karena sepertinya sampai sekarangpun Nazsia masih labil. buktinya udah ada 7 bulan tinggal di Swiss, masih homesick aja tuh sama Jakarta?

iya, gue lagi homesick, BERAAAT.
untungnya lusa gue udah balik lagi ke Jakarta. hehe. :)

Nazsia sekarang kuliah si Swiss Hotel Management School. how i ended up here?
jadi dulu sebenernya ingin jadi Pastry Chef which is really cool, right? but i dont find chef as a serious profession, i guess.. also cos all the culinary school i found they only offer diploma degree, highest. so i was thinking at that time, is it worthy? and i guess... that time, i thought it was not worthy enough. and the next thing i know... i'm here doing the Hospitality and Event Management... yes.. gladly it went good.. so good in fact. i dont really believe myself at first bcos my grades are consider high, which is odd bcos i dont really have good english (in my opinion hehe) and i never, repeat NEVER get a high grade with my own effort. but here i did everything by myself and it turns out GREAT. i used to hate accounting a lot, like i dont get this thing at all ok. but now? accounting is my highest grade. even until now it is still feel so.. well.. not fake.. it is just.. hahaha wow for me. but ok, that is the theory thing, now i have to do this internship and i didnt really took it seriously which ended up to a bad working place that caused me to fail this year's internship. yeah..... sucks isnt it?

1st post, i'll start slowly... i can write the whole stuffs here right now but.. let's do this slowly, would we? :)

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