i would never get tired of saying thank you. saat kamu berterima kasih, perasaanmu pasti sangat melegakan. it indeed happened for me. 3 months in switzerland has been a nice experience.
akhirnya 2nd year mulai juga. gatau kenapa ada perasaan takut banget pas mau terbang ke swiss. ngerasa somehow 2nd year bakalan berantakan karena 1st year sudah terlalu perfect bagi gue. dan ya... ke-khawatiran gue sedikit terwujud. tiba-tiba gue kena cacar air, right on the 4th day before my flight to switzerland. gue langsung takut banget. takut kalau ke-khawatiran ini akan semakin terlanjut dan kejadian-kejadian tidak meng enakan akan semakin terjadi. but thank god turned out everything goes really smoothly even until now, May 2013.
pertama kali datang ke Caux, disambut sama Deviana dan Theja... eh kok tiba-tiba ada 1 cowok? oh. dia namanya Stephen, dan dia juga orang Indonesia. pertama kenal gue pikir dia bakalan yang ga suka sama gue.. well, not many people get impress by me on the first time you know. Stephen juga sangat lost kelihatan nya waktu kenalan sama gue, jadi gue ga expect bakalan bisa deket sama dia. but surprisingly, one hour after we got to know each other, we becoming really comfortable with each other and somehow we became real close. yang lucu waktu pertama kali kenalan sama Stephen, (karena gue hobby kepo orang di facebook, dan kebetulan ga sengaja ngeliat dia) hal pertama yang gue tanyakan adalah "oh.. lo yang kemarin naik garuda business class kan?" LMAO. i think this is the exact reason why i became close to him, i dont feel awkward around him.
anyway, the 1st week of school was super surprising for me. being in the same class with Theja, my very bestfriend is just somehow weird. i mean, how come we are in the same class?! lol, but thanks god.
the 1st and 2nd month it was all excitements. but after mid-term end, i have no motivation at all to study or even doing anything related to academic. as well as because in this half smester there is Banquet, International Day and Spring Ball which is has nothing to do with books. events like these are the main reason why i wanted to do hospitality in the first place. so, it is really obvious that i like these activities better than studying.
in the end i cant thank God enough for whatever i have received these far. i am grateful so you need to.
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