Wednesday, September 18, 2013


hiiiii stalker! :p
how is your day so far? is there any interesting story?
well if there is, then good for you!

soooo these past couple of weeks i have been watching korean dramas like crazy!
before i thought all k-dramas must be the one that is cheesy-lame-romantic etc.
but hold, NO! big no!

though there are few that is, and few also too-melodramatic
i've found also a few which has interesting romantic story! those who will not give you boredoom while watching it!


OMG! those two are just brilliant!
from the beginning until the end of the dramas, they were really focusing on the couple!
though there were few scandal, but it was not something big and might bored you to death (eg, 'love rain', their parents love story is just so depressing that makes me deppressed.)
i mean, i love 'LOVE RAIN' but their parents thingy just made the whole drama ruins!

if there is someone asking "nazsia, which you like best? the greatest love or the marriage plot?"
honestly? i really cant answer it... seriously...
but the thing that really pisses me off is, whenever i watch and read people's 'best k-dramas'. neither in!
cmon! seriously? those are just brilliant!
guess most people go for those scandalicious-melodramatic-cheesy-romantic drama nowadays.

sooo having to say that, i am going to list my all of time best k-dramas!

1. The Greatest Love
2. The Marriage Plot
3. Playful Kiss
4. Love Rain
5. The Master's Sun

dont get me wrong, i looooved 'LOVE RAIN', it was just the part when they are telling us abour their parents' problem that i hate. other than that... it was really great!

why 'PLAYFUL KISS'? simply bcos there is no antagonist on the drama, which i looove.

'THE MASTER'S SUN'? why? simply because i love the main actor and actress.
Gong Hyo Jin & So Ji Sub are looooves. but... frankly speaking.. it is really nothing too interesting from the drama... it is just a reguler drama, if the main actor and actress were not them, i'd probably hating the drama.. it is too reguler. :(

pretty much sums it all!

Friday, June 28, 2013


summer is a fun word, where all the people all over the world (esp students) hail the word.

what is summer to me? summer is June. what happened in June? is my Bali and Rome vacations!

won't give out any details about my summer holiday here, since.. well.. it's gonna be my private memories! 
do not be dissapointed though... i am going to share what is Bali and Rome meant for me.

overall, Rome was amaaazing! i love this city much much more than Paris.
when i stepped on my feet in Rome, it feels so different but also the same in a way.
it was hot and kinda humid.. quite indonesia, really.
but hold on, when i got into the center city... OMG everything were so flawless!
the arts on their buildings.. and also on Rome's gentlemen faces! ahahahaha (ok i know)
but truly, you can feel the magic of Rome.
when i saw Colosseo, it felt soo amazing, felt like im living in other century.. :D

Bali? i've never ever think that i will ever like Bali in the future.
ps: i used to hate it, like a lot.
but look at me now, i cherish every moment i spent in Bali.. and now i kinda depressed wanting to go back there again.
yes, like a little puppet.. unfortunately, i am big.

summer. oh i wish i could love you again next year.
see you soon.

Sunday, May 5, 2013




what is bestfriend to you?

bestfriend to me is a person who is able to care, to you.

India, China, Russia & Vietnam.
these countries are becoming important to me.

i will cherish them for the rest of my life. :")


bersama atau berpisah... berpisah atau bersama.

pertanyaan yang selalu diulang-ulang di kepala gue dan Stephen.
Malaysia, Indonesia & Singapore digabungkan untuk acara International Day.
selama proses perjalanan tentu saja banyak halangan dan rintangan kian menghadang, namun somehow tak menjadi masalah dan menjadi beban pikiran. (ini lagu loh :P)

gue dipilih sama country leader untuk menjadi decoration leader. gue bukan orang yang sangat percaya diri yang bisa nge lead orang kapan aja. the thing is, it is so hard to lead people saat member nya aja belum bisa respect leader nya. or... let's just put that i dont really have the charisma. (so sad)

foto diatas adalah foto Stephen, Marianne (country-leader) and me..! ;)
itu stall buffet yang sukses kita decor! ahahaha not a very wow one, but at least that one was the best amongs them all! :p

saat acara sudah finally mulai, semua semakin kian membaik dan in the end kita merasa bangga sekali dengan segala hal yang sudah kita lakukan! dan sekarang i did not even regret even one second that Indonesia spend together with Malaysia & Singapore to made it all perfect. :)
kata-kata berpisah atau bersama pun seakan tak pernah ada di dalam pikiran gue dan Stephen at the first place.
our countries are surely the most hospitable one, hope we can get that best hospitality awards again!



27th of April, 2013

one of the moment that i shall remember for the rest of my life.
on this day, i was doing (as a whole class) my very first banquet.
i am one of the service and cocktail team.

i dont know if it is just me or i feel like our class was the most relax one amongs SHMS.
or i think it was just because we were so organized...?

anyways, i started the morning by helping the decoration team until 2 in the afternoon.
the decoration team were really creative! they made everything hand-made! other class, most of them doing printing and stuffs.

at 4 pm i went back to the cocktail area which was take place in the lobby of SHMS.
that was the best cocktail ever! the decoration, the drinks, and the people are just amazing! tehee.

we were supposed to do cocktail for about 10 to 20 minutes only, but because of the large number of demand thus, i had to stay more longer. it was reaaallly fun to work in cocktail, i didnt't even realised that it should be the time for me to leave cocktail and change for service. it was like 10 minutes to the grand hall to open. i was like panicking... i rushed back to change, REAL FAST CHANGE, and went to line up. another 10 minutes of waiting and tadaaa... here came the guests!

it was a magical night for me. 

i literally crying in the end. the fact that all my bestfriends were there... :")

Being Grateful is The Best Feelings.


i would never get tired of saying thank you. saat kamu berterima kasih, perasaanmu pasti sangat melegakan. it indeed happened for me. 3 months in switzerland has been a nice experience.

akhirnya 2nd year mulai juga. gatau kenapa ada perasaan takut banget pas mau terbang ke swiss. ngerasa somehow 2nd year bakalan berantakan karena 1st year sudah terlalu perfect bagi gue. dan ya... ke-khawatiran gue sedikit terwujud. tiba-tiba gue kena cacar air, right on the 4th day before my flight to switzerland. gue langsung takut banget. takut kalau ke-khawatiran ini akan semakin terlanjut dan kejadian-kejadian tidak meng enakan akan semakin terjadi. but thank god turned out everything goes really smoothly even until now, May 2013.

pertama kali datang ke Caux, disambut sama Deviana dan Theja... eh kok tiba-tiba ada 1 cowok? oh. dia namanya Stephen, dan dia juga orang Indonesia. pertama kenal gue pikir dia bakalan yang ga suka sama gue.. well, not many people get impress by me on the first time you know. Stephen juga sangat lost kelihatan nya waktu kenalan sama gue, jadi gue ga expect bakalan bisa deket sama dia. but surprisingly, one hour after we got to know each other, we becoming really comfortable with each other and somehow we became real close. yang lucu waktu pertama kali kenalan sama Stephen, (karena gue hobby kepo orang di facebook, dan kebetulan ga sengaja ngeliat dia) hal pertama yang gue tanyakan adalah "oh.. lo yang kemarin naik garuda business class kan?" LMAO. i think this is the exact reason why i became close to him, i dont feel awkward around him.

anyway, the 1st week of school was super surprising for me. being in the same class with Theja, my very bestfriend is just somehow weird. i mean, how come we are in the same class?! lol, but thanks god.

the 1st and 2nd month it was all excitements. but after mid-term end, i have no motivation at all to study or even doing anything related to academic. as well as because in this half smester there is Banquet, International Day and Spring Ball which is has nothing to do with books. events like these are the main reason why i wanted to do hospitality in the first place. so, it is really obvious that i like these activities better than studying.

in the end i cant thank God enough for whatever i have received these far. i am grateful so you need to.