Tuesday, July 15, 2014


► Are you in love ➔ Quite in love i would say
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ No
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ Me
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ Yes
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ No
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ Yes :)
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ Not sure
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ Nope
► Last person you hung out with ➔ Lutfi
► Last thing you ate ➔ Chinese Foods
► Last thing you drank ➔ Water
 Last place you were ➔ Bedroom

Personal, Because I'm Bored..

  • 1. Any scars? Yes
  • 2. Self harmed? No
  • 3. Crush? Yes
  • 4. Kissed anyone? Yes
  • 5. Coke or Pepsi? Neither
  • 6. Someone you hate? No
  • 7. Best Friends? Theja.. Wina.. 
  • 8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs? Alcohol
  • 9. What’s your dream job? Wedding Organizer
  • 10. Ever been in love? No
  • 11. Last time you cried? Last Week
  • 12. Favorite color? Orange
  • 13. Height? 165cm
  • 14. Birthday? March 2
  • 15. Eye color? Dark Brown
  • 16. Hair color? Black Red-ish
  • 17. What do you love? Earth
  • 18. Obsession? G-Dragon
  • 19. If you had one wish, what would it be? Be Loved
  • 20. Do you love someone? Not quite..
  • 21. Kiss or hug? Hug
  • 22. Nicknames people call you? Nas
  • 23. Favorite song? Currently? Whatever he sings to me
  • 24. Favorite band? Simple Plan
  • 25. Worst thing that has ever happened to you? Bullied
  • 26. Best thing that has ever happened to you? Be Loved
  • 27. Something you would change about yourself? Me being dilligent
  • 28. Ever dated someone? Yes
  • 29. Worst mistake? Giving up
  • 30. Watch the movie or read the book? Both
  • 31. Ever had a heartbreak? Yes
  • 32. Favorite show? Winnie The Pooh
  • 33. Best day of your life? Right here right now
  • 34. Any talents? Cheering up people
  • 35. Do you wish you could ever start over? No
  • 36. Any bad habits? Lazy?
  • 37. Ever had a near death experience? No
  • 38. Someone I can tell anything to? Theja
  • 39. Ever lost a loved one? No
  • 40. Do you believe in love? Yes
  • 41. Someone you hate/Dislike? No one
  • 42. Are you okay? Yeah
  • 43. Relationship status? In Relationship


1: Do you hover over the toilet in public restrooms? Yes
2: Have you ever been cussed out? Yes
3: Have you ever found anything in your parents' bedroom that you found questionable? Yes
4: How often do you clean out your ears? Everyday
5: Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? No
6: ^^^ How about sexuality? Bi
7: Have you ever had a really deep conversation with someone? What about? Yes, Family
8: Aside from church (if you go), and love/relationships, have you ever confessed anything to anyone? No
9: Have you ever walked in high-heels? Yes
10: Do you like it when people play with your hair? Yes, a lot? ahaha
11: If in the next five years, there was going to be a ship leaving to start a colony on Mars, would you sign up? No
12: Same as previous, but on the Moon? Yes
13: Same as 11, but on a moon around Saturn or Jupiter? Yes
14: If you could, would you take a bubble bath? Yes!
15: If you HAD to choose, would you rather live without music or TV? What about [previous choice] or the Internet? Be honest! Without TV
16: How do YOU break an awkward silence? So....
17: What is one rule you live by? Do whatever makes you happy, the world will still judge anyway
18: Have you ever worn the underwear of the opposite sex? What did you think of the experience? Would you do it again? No, and maybe i have to try?
19: Have you ever worn clothes other than underwear of the opposite sex? What did you think of the experience? Would you do it again? Yes, it felt normal.. maybe, my boyfriend's? :p
20: Favorite places to shop? Anywhere affordable
21: Ever been to a thrift store? No
22: Ever made your own cosplay or halloween costume? No
23: Ever worn a wig? No
24: Most expensive piece of clothing you own? 150CHF
25: What are your thoughts on corsets? Big ewh
26: Ever been tied up? Would you ever want to be? No, never
27: Ever been handcuffed? Nope
28: Ever had a wet dream? Be honest, but you don't have to share details if you don't want to! Yes!
29: Ever had a dream where you were married? Did you know the person? No
30: What is the highest you have ever fallen from? Love..
31: Do you shave your pubic hair? Yes
32: Have you ever shaved off your eyebrows? Has someone done it to you? Have you done it to someone else? Yes, Yes and No
33: Guys; have you ever shaved your armpits/legs/chest? Girls; have you ever shaved your face/head/chest? No
34: Ever plucked a nose hair? Did you cry? Nope and idk
35: What was the most terrifying experience in your life? Bullied
36: Ever seen a person or animal die in front of you? Yes, a cat, he lost his face..
37: Do you get along better with guys or girls? Both
38: Yes or no (unless you want to share), could someone blackmail you right now? No
39: What is your definition of 'Sex'? Baby
40: What is your definition of 'Cheating'? I dont want to know


i am back to the ship of relation once again.
it's been how many years since my last sailing?
3 years.. isn't quite a long time to escape? ahaha well, it is not that i want to escape from sailing but it's just i am tired of being in a wrong ship and tryna work it out all the time when i knew the ship headed nowhere.

now what seems to the right ship has come...
what seems. seems..
how should i put this, but this ship is the most normal ship i have ever sail haha.
been in a wrong ship for quite forever makes everything else normal, and yes, it is indeed, i am telling you, normal.

usually, when i sail a ship, i got everything i wanted to do on my head, the plans how to take this ship to its destination. however, this time, i found myself selflessly letting the ship heading whenever it wans to head. i dont think anymore, i just feel..

and when i feel.. i just know.. and when i know.. i am sure.. and when i am sure.. i will try my best to again, bring this ship to an unknown destination but, i wanted to do something different this time. not only bring the ship to its destionation, but i wanted to bring along everything i have on this ship with me to that destination.

or in the other way, i have the courage to bring what i think is precious on this journey, and trust me i never do it before, because i knew those journeys are for nothing.

this time, this time only, i will try to believe.. not only to think.

so welcome, captain nazsia is about to leave the port <3

Graduation 2014

Hi lads,
How are you doing today?

Location: London
Time: 3:29pm

i am currently lives in London for approximately 6 months period of time.
what i am doing here? i am doing my very last internship at the Holiday Inn London - Stratford.
i am loving my new life here, being alone, independent, able to escape from problems.. ahaha.

i havent post anything in a very long time and now i feel like posting all of them, in one post.
do you think that is possible? ahahaha let's try..

so last June 6, 2014 i am finally graduating with my swiss higher diploma in hotel management and event management. oh yes.. i made it.

it was a very memorable graduation ceremony since most of my friends are not coming back to continue their BA or last year of bachelor degree. some decided to work for a full year and some just decided to get marry.. lol well not really marry.. but yeah something close to it.

it was not the graduation itself that made me sad at that time, but the fact that next year i will lose few close friends and for me, again, i stated that friends is the biggest part of my life.. without them i dont know if i will regain my strength to do BA.. ahahaha you could say that these friends that i have in swiss are more than just bestfriends, we are literally a family. maybe because we are almost practically alone in a foreign country.. i would like to thanks them for being the best of a family could ever be. they supported me, comforted me, helped to make decision in life, love and war (?). i love them to the moon and back and moon and back and beyond.